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Technology has always brought something new with time. And with these ever-changing technologies, you need to stay updated to get all the benefits from what's new.

随着时间的流逝,技术总是带来新的东西。 借助这些不断变化的技术,您需要保持最新状态,以从新功能中获得所有好处。

Also, when we talk about technology, one of the first things that probably comes to our minds is mobile phones and mobile applications. We are also well aware of the name and fame of iOS devices. And as we've learned from a report from , the number of i-Phones in the wild likely now exceeds 925 million.

另外,当我们谈论技术时,我们可能想到的第一件事就是手机和移动应用程序。 我们也非常了解iOS设备的名称和声誉。 正如我们从的一份报告中了解到的那样,目前野外使用i-Phone的数量可能已超过9.25亿部。

Now, it's time to look at the top iOS app development trends in 2020. We should take a deep dive into iOS mobile app development trends because iOS has become one of the leading development platforms in the market in recent years. iOS is also supposed to be safer than any other operating system.

现在,该看看2020年最重要的iOS应用程序开发趋势了。我们应该深入研究iOS移动应用程序的开发趋势,因为iOS已成为近年来市场上领先的开发平台之一。 iOS还应该比其他任何操作系统都更安全。

We can see all this in these stats from Statista.com:


These statistics show the cumulative Apple App Store earnings of mobile app developers as of January 2020. As of the last reported period, Apple had paid a total of 155 billion U.S. dollars to iOS app developers. A year ago, this figure amounted to 120 billion U.S. dollars.

这些统计数据显示,截至2020年1月,Apple App Store移动应用程序开发人员的累积收入。截至上一报告期 Apple已向iOS应用程序开发人员支付了总计1,550亿美元。 一年前,这一数字达到了1200亿美元

According to , with an 18% market share and a combined share of 99.6% with Android, Apple’s iOS is one of the most happening operating systems of the world.

根据 ,苹果的iOS拥有18%的市场份额,与Android的总份额为99.6% ,是世界上最流行的操作系统之一。

Well, after going through the various stats and facts, it's time to jump into different trends to watch for iOS app development in 2020.


改善应用程式安全性 (Improved app security)

Security features are one of the most helpful and important trends of iOS mobile app development. You might all be aware of Apple's security algorithms. Indeed the company is famous for its hardcore security layers and highly secure policies which help to stop hacks into Apple devices.

安全功能是iOS移动应用开发中最有用和最重要的趋势之一。 也许大家都知道Apple的安全算法。 确实,该公司以其核心安全层和高度安全的策略而闻名,这些策略有助于阻止对Apple设备的黑客入侵。

Given the number of hacking attacks these days, one mistake can destroy everything. And Apple has around 1.4 billion active devices.

鉴于这些天的黑客攻击数量,一个错误可以摧毁一切。 苹果拥有约14亿台活跃设备。

published an article titled “iPhone Hack: Google Warns 1 Billion Apple Users They May Have Been Attacked” on 30th Aug 2019. This was just before the launch of iPhone 11 and almost every iOS device was found vulnerable. The vulnerability was fixed in the latest iOS updates.

在2019年8月30日发表了一篇题为“ iPhone黑客:谷歌警告十亿苹果用户他们可能遭到攻击”的文章。就在iPhone 11发布之前,几乎所有iOS设备都被发现易受攻击。 该漏洞已在最新的iOS更新中修复。

According to one statement by Phil Schiller, the Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing at Apple Inc,

根据Apple Inc.全球行销高级副总裁Phil Schiller的一份声明,

“(Apple is) helping to protect our children from technologies that could be used to violate their privacy and security.”

This sheds some light on potential security loopholes. And to help close them, Apple has initiated an enterprise-wide culture that caters to the user’s need to create a safe environment. So their aim is to help improve overall security as well as prevent cyber-attacks and data breaches.

这为潜在的安全漏洞提供了一些启示。 为了帮助关闭它们,Apple发起了一种企业范围的文化,以满足用户创建安全环境的需求。 因此,他们的目标是帮助提高整体安全性并防止网络攻击和数据泄露。

Let’s talk about password auto-fill, for example. Did you know that Apple has deployed ASWebAuthentication Sessions which help coordinate cookies and website data for signing in? With this, the device is able to use the authentication service's frameworks in order to incorporate password manager apps.

例如,让我们讨论密码自动填充。 您是否知道Apple部署了ASWebAuthentication Sessions ,可帮助协调Cookie和网站数据以进行登录? 这样,设备便可以使用身份验证服务的框架来合并密码管理器应用程序。

云集成iOS应用 (Cloud Integrated iOS Apps)

Cloud technology has brought a revolution to the tech space as well as many opportunities. With the help of cloud technology, organisations can store vast amounts of data in the cloud without any fear of using too much data space.

云技术为技术领域带来了一场革命,并带来了许多机遇。 借助云技术,组织可以将大量数据存储在云中,而不必担心使用过多的数据空间。

Because of this, most iOS apps are now built on cloud technology as this is one of the most trustworthy platforms where you can store data. You can also access it anywhere with full security, quickly and easily.

因此,大多数iOS应用程序现在都基于云技术构建,因为它是您可以存储数据的最可信赖的平台之一。 您还可以在任何地方快速,轻松地完全安全地访问它。

You've probably heard about "iCloud" services. This allows iOS device users to store their content without worrying about space. Content stored in iCloud includes stuff like images, files, notes, and much more.

您可能听说过“ iCloud”服务。 这使iOS设备用户可以存储其内容而无需担心空间。 存储在iCloud中的内容包括图像,文件,注释等内容。

iCloud can be accessed on any device with your login id and password. According to , 850 million people trust iCloud.

可以使用您的登录ID和密码在任何设备上访问iCloud。 根据 ,有8.5亿人信任iCloud。

A significant advantage of having cloud-based apps is that they do not need any physical space in your system, as you can run your data directly on the cloud.


The cloud helps enhance and extend the internal memory of your smart devices. This major feature of cloud-based apps helps increase productivity and collaboration with mobile apps.

云有助于增强和扩展智能设备的内部存储器。 基于云的应用程序的主要功能有助于提高生产力和与移动应用程序的协作。

This trend is going to revolutionise app development in the coming years.


企业发展 (Enterprise Development)

Enterprise development is one of the most essential and primary parts of many businesses, and this is why most of the developers prefer to build Enterprise software through iOS.


Enterprise development should be done in a customised way so that the user can get all the benefits. It provides the best user experience, improved security, and high productivity.

企业开发应以定制的方式进行,以便用户可以获得所有收益。 它提供了最佳的用户体验,提高了安全性,并提高了生产率。

This is why most iOS developers trust iOS because it is useful in scalable enterprise development.




Swift 5编程语言 (Swift 5 Programming Language )

The Swift 5 programming language has become quite trendy. Apple has released it with a stable Application Binary Interface (ABI) and binary compatibility.

Swift 5编程语言已经变得非常流行。 苹果已经发布了具有稳定的应用程序二进制接口(ABI)和二进制兼容性的产品。

In addition to ABI, Swift 5 has raw strings, future enum cases, a result type, checking for integer multiples and a lot more. Now iOS app development companies are focusing on using Swift to the best of its abilities for optimal business impact.

除了ABI,Swift 5还具有原始字符串,将来的枚举大小写,结果类型,整数倍检查等等。 现在,iOS应用程序开发公司正致力于最大程度地使用Swift,以实现最佳业务影响。



According to Reddit, “Of the top 110 apps on the app store, 42% are using Swift. If you ignore games, then 57% of the apps are using Swift.”
根据Reddit的说法,“在应用商店中排名前110的应用中,有42%在使用Swift。 如果您忽略游戏,那么57%的应用程序正在使用Swift。”

Swift libraries will be incorporated into every future macOS, iOS, Wearable OS, and TVOS device.

Swift库将集成到未来的所有macOS,iOS,Wearable OSTVOS中 设备。

Swift 5 is source compatible with Swift 4, Swift 4.1 and Swift 4.2, as well as with X code 10.2. It has a code migration that is designed to handle some of the necessary source changes automatically.

Swift 5与Swift 4,Swift 4.1和Swift 4.2以及X代码10.2源兼容。 它具有代码迁移功能,旨在自动处理一些必要的源代码更改。

One of the significant advantages of this software is that it is highly compatible with Linux, so it will be easy for developers to increase their knowledge base for Swift 5 when designing apps.

该软件的显着优势之一是它与Linux高度兼容,因此开发人员在设计应用程序时很容易增加其Swift 5的知识库。

物联网应用 (IoT Focused Apps )

There is no doubt that the internet of things has become part of day to day life, so there is no need to introduce it. This technology is becoming more well-known by the day among developers worldwide.

毫无疑问,物联网已经成为日常生活的一部分,因此无需介绍它。 这项技术在当今世界范围内的开发人员中越来越为人们所熟知。

The Internet of Things is a source of communication between you and your smart device. This is why it is creating a revolution.

物联网是您与智能设备之间通信的来源。 这就是为什么它正在引发一场革命。

Today developers are more focused on building iOS apps that, for example, can connect to internet-enabled devices. So we could say that IoT has helped developers create exceptional offerings for users by embedding better connection facilities in their apps.

如今,开发人员更加专注于构建可以连接到支持Internet的设备的iOS应用。 因此,我们可以说物联网通过将更好的连接功能嵌入到他们的应用程序中,帮助开发人员为用户创建了卓越的产品。

There is no doubt that IoT is going to revolutionise the technical world. This is why iOS developers should use this technology as their main tool. It is definitely beneficial and makes things easier for end-users.

毫无疑问,物联网将彻底改变技术世界。 这就是为什么iOS开发人员应将此技术用作其主要工具。 这绝对是有益的,并使最终用户更轻松。

Let’s look at an example: pharmaceutical companies use IoT devices to help develop temperature monitoring apps. These apps can detect whether temperatures for certain processes (as desired for the same) do not exceed the allowed limits. So, there are many fields where IoT is leaving its impact with great positivity.

让我们看一个例子:制药公司使用物联网设备来帮助开发温度监控应用程序。 这些应用可以检测某些过程的温度(对于同一过程而言是否期望)是否未超过允许的限制。 因此,在很多领域,物联网正积极地影响着它。

Globally, the number of IoT devices that are active is expected to grow to 10 billion by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025, says

从全球来看,是活跃的物联网设备的数量预计到2020年和22十亿到2025年将增长到10十亿 ,说

最后的话 (Final words)

Well, on the basis of this information, you can now see that the above-mentioned iOS app development trends are going to rule 2020. So you should definitely not forget these trends while working on your this year.


If you still have questions you can explore this vast topic more. Otherwise, you can leave a comment to let me know how this article helped you.

如果仍有疑问,可以进一步探讨这个广阔的话题。 否则,您可以发表评论以让我知道本文如何为您提供帮助。

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